Wednesday, December 15, 2010

"Congratulations! Its a Vesace!"... Are we misusing science and technology?

When we think of the word “designer”, the thought of tangible goods comes to mind; handbags, shoes, etc. “Designer babies” defines our society as materialistic due to our obsession to strive for something non existent- perfection. Though the thought of “designer babies” seems ridiculous, this innovation does have a positive impact to our society. However, to properly analyze this issue we must ask ourselves: What are its effects on society? Is the process ethical? Is it safe to human beings?              
                                                       Notice anything that does NOT belong?

Down syndrome is one of the 6000 known genetic disorders which can be detected through genetic testing. There is no doubt that with our developing technology, it will eventually be possible to abolish these genetic disorders. Genetic manipulation, a process in which a child’s genotypes are unnaturally selected using advanced technology, basically allow us to discard possible genetic disease and choose the child’s physical characteristics.
Genetic manipulation can be achieved through the use of In Vitro Fertilization. IVF is the procedure in which the egg cell and the sperm cells are brought together in a laboratory dish, allowing the sperm cell to fertilize the egg. The fertilized egg will begin to divide and an embryo which is implanted into the woman’s womb is formed. Another process, Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis, detects changes in embryos created through IVF, and allows doctors to select the desired characteristics and dispose of the “unwanted” embryo.
A microscopic image of a needle (left) injecting 
sperm cells directly into a human egg (center).
A microscopic look at embryo biopsy during Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)
Since genetic manipulation reduces our world’s genetic diseases, shouldn’t it be encouraged in our society? Well, our society must consider the pros and cons to enact correct laws. A transhumanist may compare it to abortion and may argue that restricting it would violate reproduction freedom. Individuals with strong religious beliefs may argue that it would be “playing God”. Additionally, the procedure is extremely costly, about $18, 000, and can interfere with genetic variation. Thus, scientists might argue that endorsing it would result to a world of inequality and discrimination. Furthermore, there is no guarantee that the procedure is risk free making it unreliable. 

Genetic manipulation could be one of the greatest medical advancements in human history. Although, I feel that laws must restrict the use of this process for anything other than medical purposes. We should not be given the freedom to choose the physical characteristics of our children. Children require love regardless of how they look on the outside, thus the use of this advancement for cosmetic reasons is extremely absurd.  It would raise too many unnecessary issues to our already problematic society due to its uncertainty for safety, interference with variation, creation of inequality and discrimination, violation towards religious beliefs and the immense amount of cost for research which instead can be used to find cures for other diseases or towards global issues like poverty. To conclude, access to advanced technologies should not be used as an excuse for our choices. By choosing to conceive a child, one is generally taking on several responsibilities, including taking the risk for abnormalities and loving that child unconditionally despite of deformities. 

1. Agar, Nicholas. "Designer Babies: Ethical Considerations." N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Dec. 2010.

2. "Design-a-baby?" Bionet: Explore Life Sciences and Debate the Issues. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Dec. 2010.

3. "Designer Baby Row Over Clinic That Offers Eye, Skin and Hair Colour." The Telegraph. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Dec. 2010.

4. "Genetic Disease Information - Pronto!" Human Genome Project Information. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Dec. 2010.

5. "What Are The Types of Genetic Tests?" Genetics Home Reference: Your Guide To Understanding Genetic Conditions . N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Dec. 2010.

6. "In Vitro Fertilization ." Encyclopedia of Surgery . N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Dec. 2010.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Our Planet Needs Help. Stop Climate Change!

Climate change has been an ongoing environmental issue which our world is currently undergoing. Unfortunately, it is the development of our lifestyles which has been the ultimate cause of this issue. Due to our greed and lack of awareness, we have caused our own planet and the species in it to suffer.

Climate change has certainly negatively impacted our biodiversity. It has affected our ecosystems, species’ ability to adapt to their environment and us. The rapid shift in climate has caused the reduction in coverage and thickness of ice in the Artic and Antarctic region. Examples would include the thinning of Artic ice and the diminishing of Greenland glaciers. The melting of ice has altered the salinity and temperature of the ocean water, the ocean circulation which affects biodiversity beyond the Artic, and the productivity of planktons, birds, fishes and marine mammals. Furthermore, climate change has jeopardized human well-being. It is predicted that if climate change were to continue, food shortages due to change in agricultural production, changes in water sources, and increased death rates due to disease and extreme weather conditions, would occur.

Greenland's melting ice

World's dead aquatic zones due to climate change.

On the other hand, while humans have done much damage to our planet, we have also realized that to better the future of our planet, we must take initiative to develop a “greener” environment. An international organization recognized as Greenpeace, whose purpose is to inform governments and industries of global environmental issues and its causes, seek to protect biodiversity, to prevent pollution, to end nuclear threats and to promote peace. Greenpeace Canada has created “How to Save the Climate”, a guide which gives details on what we can do to protect the climate. The organization has also developed a campaign known as “Energy [R]evolution” with the intention to reduce carbon emissions while attaining economic growth through the replacement of fossil fuels with renewable energy. In addition, this campaign offers benefits such as independence from world market fuel prices, energy security and efficiency, and the creation of new green jobs. It is already predicted that 12.5 million jobs would be created by 2015 and that the carbon emissions in 1990 would be lower than 80% by 2050.
One of Greenpeace's logo

Predicted carbon emissions per capita from 2007-2050
I certainly consider this organization to bring a positive impact to our society. Not only does it bring awareness and educate us of the environmental issues that our world deals with on a day-to-day basis, but it encourages us to better our world for the future generations. Greenpeace Canada has given us the opportunity to get involved in this important cause through campaigns, volunteer and donations. If you are interested in doing so, please visit and always remember that you are only one click away to a healthier and greener planet!

1. "The Energy [R]evolution." Greenpeace Canada. N.p., 2010. Web. 14 Oct. 2010.
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2. "Climate Change Is Already Impacting Biodiversity." BirdLife International. N.p., 2008. Web. 14 Oct. 2010. 
< >. 
3. "Biodiversity and Climate Change 2000: Changing Oceans - Effects on Biodiversity." United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2010.
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4. "Climate Change Affects Biodiversity ." Global Issues: Social, Political, Economic, and Environmental Issues That Affect Us All . N.p., 2010. Web. 15 Oct. 2010. 
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5. "Climate Change: Health and Environmental Effects." United States Environmental Protection Agency. N.p., 15 Oct. 2009. Web. 14 Oct. 2010
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